The articulated pedestrian target 4activePA fis the official Euro NCAP pedestrian target (EPTa, EPTc) and is available as 50% adult male and 7-year-old child. These targets replicate human properties in size and shape, realistic sensor response and articulating legs. The robust construction allows testing under rough conditions and the modular system enables an easy and fast change of spare parts. Combined with 4activeSB or the driverless robotic platform 4activeFB-small it is the most efficient ADAS testing solution.

14a1: 4activePA-adult
key features
approved by Euro NCAP for the 2020 protocols
available as 50% adult male and 7-year-old child
extremely lightweight and soft structure
articulating extremities with realistic Micro Doppler
realistic response for Radar-, Lidar, Camera and IR-Systems
complies with
Euro NCAP 2018, 2020
ISO 19237
ISO 19206-2
ISO CD 22737
CNCAP 2018
JNCAP 2018, 2020
ACEA v2.0 (2019)
Asian NCAP